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Fundraising Driven with Predictive Analytics
27 Aug 2015
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Predictive analytics can help you balance the art and science of fundraising. It offers the insights you need to help predict individual donor behavior. And it can help you understand what drives engagement and support. So you can do a better job of forecasting performance and potential. In other words, it’s the science that helps your art pay off.
Join us for a free webinar on Thursday, August 27 at 2 pm ET, and learn how to combine the art and science of fundraising. Emma Hinke, associate director of research analytics at Johns Hopkins University, and Alex Oftelie, IBM nonprofit subject matter expert, will show you how predictive analytics can help you:
Take advantage of your data to understand philanthropic behavior and motivation.
Respond to the unique challenges facing your institution.
Develop simple models to help you understand your prospect pools and develop new strategies.
Build reports that make it easy to access and evaluate prospects and portfolios
This exciting and informative webcast is sponsored by IBM and hosted by The Chronicle of Philanthropy. All content presented during the event is provided by IBM and John’s Hopkins.
To learn more and register click
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Katie Haugland Bowen
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